Miss Angel in Florence

Saturday, January 14, 2012

12 Gennaio, 2012 - Uni day.....loooooong day

Not much to tell about today to be honest....

We started our language course at 9 and finished at 12.  Today we had a very fulfilling lesson from a powerpoint presentation on the 'passive' use of language.

We'll do this with the yr 11/12s when I get back...and it's very simple, but very effective.
Instead of saying:
I ragazzi leggono i libri (the boys read the books)......you can say...
I libri sono letti dai ragazzi (the books are read by the boys).

Simple!  Just need to swap the object and verb...effective and sounds good too :)  Only a few thousand rules to go with this!

After this long lesson, we then went to lunch and FINALLY had vegies!!!!  Lots and lots!  We were so glad to see mountains (and I'm not exaggerating) of cabbage, fennel, chickory, turnip leaves and some omelette.

YAY!!!!  I felt better already after that.  Too many days of just eating pasta and pasta and pasta.  I was starting to feel like a gnoccho (singular of gnocchi).

So...after this yummy lunch, we then went back into class and had a 3 hr lesson of lexicon with Dario.  Today we read through a play called 'La patente' (the licence).

It's actually very funny, and is about a man who who brings bad luck to everyone around him. At the end, he goes to the magistrate to ask for a licence to bring bad luck so he can work in this field.  Hilarious to be fair!  Written by Luigi Pirandello in 1917...read up about him!

So, after that, we had a half hour meeting for housekeeping, which only brought out the fact that we cant use the gym here...because by the time we go through all the processes, getting a medical and getting the card, we'll be leaving already.  A shame because we told we'd be able to use all the facilities and still haven't even had a tour of all the uni buildings.  Disappointing seeing as it's a government run thing to be honest.

After the housekeeping we had an ATEC meeting - seeing how we can transfer our experiences and knowledge back to the classroom.  We had a very productive suggestion time/meeting and have devised a website to be able to share resources through.

I spent the evening playing around with the website and taught myself how to add things etc.  Pretty pleased with the result - think I'll have to make a website now for school.  www.wix.com/2012lecce/italiano

Have a look and see what you think!

The girls came back at about 11pm and then we all went to sleep!!

Miss A


  1. Methinks you're seething but putting on a happy front!! Haven't had time to view the website yet cos we had the Rotary students today from the National Youth Science Forum today. Four girls with an average of six bras each for washing after five days in Perth!!!! Note Willie Ripia has resigned from Western Force after being caught stealing from his mates gear in the change rooms!! Looking for another No 9 again!!!

  2. What a shame about the Force!!! Maybe I should train as a half back....? (and lose weight and become a man....!)

  3. That sound like an easy morning for you, but more work for the 11 and 12's. That is a pity that you can't use the gym, but I don't think that you need to use the gym. It sound like a funny one too hopefully we will get to read it.

